Bus donation brings relief to school budget

Community News

Elk City, Oklahoma, Foundation
  • Elk City Public Schools in Western Oklahoma spent $30,000 on repairs to maintain buses in its fleet at the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year.
  • At the encouragement of a representative from the MPLX G&P Local Giving Committee, school leaders applied for a grant from Marathon Petroleum to add a new bus to its fleet of aging vehicles.
  • Marathon Petroleum donated $66,000 to assist with the purchase of a new bus that will be used to transport children to and from school.

Elk City Public Schools in Oklahoma hopes a new bus will help keep their maintenance costs in check this school year.

“Our current fleet of buses ranges from 2000 models to 2005,” said District Superintendent Mike Sparks. “All current route buses have over 100,000 miles.”

During the first nine weeks of the school year, leaders spent around $30,000 on bus repairs.

Jennifer Hagerman, who serves on the MPLX G&P Local Giving Committee in Western Oklahoma, reached out to Sparks about applying for a grant. As part of one of the company’s community investment priorities, Marathon provides funding for programs that promote the resiliency of our shared communities, including helping to address basic needs, supporting youth development programs and creating opportunities for economic vitality.

Marathon Petroleum awarded a $66,000 grant to Elk City Public Schools to assist with the purchase of a new school bus.

“The Giving Committee exists to invest in the communities in which we operate,” said Hagerman. “I am very grateful that we could support our local school district in such an impactful way.”

The school system has 2,175 students and is committed to providing safe and reliable transportation for students. The district expects to have the additional bus by February.

District Superintendent Mike Sparks, School Board President Brandon Storm, School Board Vice President Katie Archer, and School board members Rodney Cloud and Yuskue Harase accept the grant money from MPLX. Employees present included Jennifer Hagerman, Donnie Parker, Darron Bond, Phillip Sharp, Dusty Bailey, Alan Daugherty, Micah Kilhoffer, and Jeremy Cantrell.